Monday, July 22, 2013

They Say I Say Summaries

You can clearly see where David Zinczenko's point of view about fast foods in his article "Dont Blame the Eater." Zinczenko argued that fast food restaurants serve unhealthy meals and does not inform the eaters about the risks of eating fast food. Most fast food restaurants lack calorie charts on their packaging. Those restaurants that do include a nutrition chart, they are confusing to understand. Zinczenko implied that fast food restaurants' calorie information charts manipulate their consumers into thinking they are consuming less calories than they are. Zinczenko blames the popularity of fast food on the low prices and the convenient locations of these restaurants that are hard to avoid. When in reality, it is actually easy to find inexpensive and healthy food. For example, Subway sandwiches are mostly under 500 calories and less than five dollars. Grocery stores often have sales on vegetables and fruits. Certain grocery stores lower their prices to match other grocery stores' low prices. 

Being overweight is more of a medical problem rather than a problem of cultural stereotypes. In his article "Don't Blame the Eater," David Zinczenko pointed out that accounts for Type 2 Diabetes has grown 25% since 1994. In addition, $100 billion was invested to treat Type 2 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes is an obesity related disease. When overweight is start to interfere with one's health, it is more important than a culture's reputation.