Friday, September 25, 2009

spam mail!!

OMGosh!! so i got this spam mail and is like this:
hi spidermonkey you rox, so can you give me $100 and i will tell you your email address
and i replied:
hi bobleena so i will give you $100 if you tell me how you get my email address
and bobleena said:
make that $200
i said
she said
i said

Monday, August 31, 2009

about me

okay so i use to work with elves in a tree make shoes for an old couple! they said i did a such "good job" i get to go to north pole to work with santa! oh my gosh! what an honor! so i tried to bake goodbye cookies but i didn't know santa gave us oven so i started a fire and burned down the tree ;( so i got fired cuz i started a fire BOO so trying to find a job right now ;(


hi ahoy yo-yo blah ok so blog is a diary but on the internet so here is my dairy:
dear fluffy:
hi is me spidermonkey guess what?yay a o ok so nothing happened today except i broke the goldfish bowl and then i saved my goldfish by putting it in a glass of water! but i was thirsty so i drank the the water and include the goldfish so... bobshalingla is gone

Spidermonkey Lovers

Hi Spiders, monkeys, spidermonkeys, and other stuff! This is my first post on my new blog! Thanks for reading!